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Together During Lent

The Kaleid Team

Dear Kaleid Ladies,

It has certainly been a reality-altering few days in our world. We can feel quite powerless in the face of abuses of human power and the resultant suffering. And so we do what we know to do…We pray. We watch. We look for ways to stand with those who hurt.

In some ways, the last few days have reminded us that (like it or not) we are Lenten people. The practices of the 40 days of Lent are meant to recall the Israelites 40 years in the wilderness and Jesus’ 40 days of temptation in the desert. To be human means to pass through desert places and wilderness landscapes, even as we hope for promised lands and baptisms into resurrection promise.

God has always been with us in these places.

During Lent, we are invited to remember our humanity and the God who is with us along the way, always coming all the way to us in revelation and in reconciliation.

You are never alone. God is with you in the dry and death-dealing places. And we are meant to be with one another in these places, too.

This Lent, won’t you join us for Kaleid’s seven-week Contemplative Circle? It starts this Wednesday morning: Ash Wednesday. Register today, here. We’d love to have you!

We’ll be taking time each week to let one of the seven “I Am” statements of Jesus to soak into our hearts as we remember that God is with us along our human way of suffering and death, not minimizing our pain, but holding it all together in himself so that it can be taken up into his life.

We also want to share some Lenten resources with you:

An essay from Tish Harrison Warren on why Ash Wednesday matters.

Devotional resources including:

Kate Bowler’s Good Enough

Amy Julia Becker’s On the Way

Trevor Hudson’s Pauses for Lent

Malcolm Guite’s The Word in the Wilderness: A Poem a Day for Lent and Easter

Walter Wangerin’s Reliving the Passion

The compilation God for Us: Rediscovering the Meaning of Lent and Easter.

The Seed Project’s beautiful music and a downloadable guide to lead you and the children in your life in “little liturgies.”

Blessings, friend.

The Kaleid Team

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