Kaleid Circles
Kaleid Circles are opportunities for women in the Kaleid community to See Ourselves, See Others, and See the City with greater clarity and compassion, together.
Believing that growth involves being grounded in God's love (contemplation), being aware of what's true (learning), and being active through new habits (embodiment), Kaleid Circles foster these things as we seek new vision for engaging ourselves, others, and our city.
In a Kaleid Circle, you will be with women experiencing shifts in similar directions as you. You may share passions, curiosities, or desires for impact in our city. A Kaleid Circle provides a space to the take the next step. Together, we learn and try new things, taking risks so that we may discover and create more expressions of God's Kingdom.
Circles are led by the Kaleid Team, a Kaleid woman who has completed Foundations, or a partner practitioner.
To stay informed about upcoming Kaleid Circles, join our mailing list.
Current Circles

Christ Our Light Advent Contemplative
Wednesdays, Dec. 4, 11, 18 and Tuesday, Dec. 24
6:30 - 7:15 am
Visio Divina
Are you wondering how to keep your little light shining? Guided by Advent meditations by Dietrich Bonhoeffer and images of stained glass windows, we will look together for the coming light of the world.
Past Circles
See the City

Dear White Peacemakers Book Club
Sunday Evenings, September 11 and 25
“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.” Are you a white woman who wants to be a racial peacemaker? Seeing our city includes continuing to reckon with race. Atlanta’s story is also the story of racial division–its deep pain and the opportunity for peacemaking within it. Author Osheta Moore writes graciously and candidly to white Christians who desire to be a part of God’s story of shalom through the urgent work of racial peacemaking.

See the City Foundations Circle
Day of 10/1 (bike tour), Evenings of 10/5 (zoom), 10/19 (zoom), 11/2 (zoom), 11/16 (dinner)
Have you ever wanted to connect more to your Atlanta community? Do you want to notice God's story unfolding all around you, from your backyard to the very systems that shape our community? By connecting with the physical land, local neighborhoods and wider community, we can learn to love well where we live!

See the City Fall Pop Ups
10/15, 10/16, 11/10, 12/4, 12/10
At Kaleid, we want to See our City so that we can love well. This fall, we are gathering in five different places as we seek to know Atlanta more deeply. We love the community of Kaleid and the way that, within it, we can become better listeners, more perceptive understanders, and more faithful participants in the love of God at work in our city.

See the City Bike Tour
Saturday, October 1
Come with us on a curated bike tour to hear more about Atlanta’s history! Together, we will experience God in both the beauty and brokenness of our community. This awareness is the beginning of understanding why things came to be as they are today. Who knows? This experience may help you discern how you can be a part of God’s story in our city!

Art in Order to See
Mar. 26, noon; Apr. 30, 2:00pm; May 4, 7:00pm
Are you interested in learning how contemporary art helps us to see others and our community? Join other Kaleid woman in listening to the world's longing for a new day through engaging provocative art. We will practice curiosity, humility and hope as we experience the artists' expression of some of the world's largest challenges.
See Others

Politics in 2024, Anyone?
Politics in 2024, anyone? What if God wants to meet us in our political disillusionment this year? Join Kaleid in April for a book club exploring how this season of disillusionment and disruption is an opportunity for us to notice and join God’s unfolding story of humility, justice, and mercy in our politics and in our communities. We will be reading Kaitlyn Schiess’ book The Liturgy of Politics and wrestling with what faithful political engagement looks like in the (no doubt) crazy year ahead. Join us!

The Very Good Gospel Book Club
What can we do to bring shalom to our nations, our communities, and our souls? Through a careful exploration of biblical text, particularly the first three chapters of Genesis, Lisa Sharon Harper shows us what "very good" can look like today, even after the Fall.

Kaleid Foundations
This is Kaleid’s most robust and unique offering! Join us as we See Ourselves, See Others, and See the City through new lenses by learning, praying, and following God’s lead, together. One former participant said, “Foundations helped me to see self, others, and the city as a whole, to integrate perspectives and change my thought processes. It helped me to expand and to focus, both! I now have a deeper and closer walk with God and would highly recommend it to friends!”

Power, Patriarchy, Women, and the Church
Got your attention? We thought so! We are taking time to process the intersection of patriarchy and faith by way of three recent resources: Christianity Today’s The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill, Kristen duMez’s Jesus and John Wayne, and Beth Allison Barr’s The Making of Biblical Womanhood. We desire to cultivate a thoughtful and open conversation that will lead us toward a better understanding and use of our own power in God’s world.

Do Justice: Remaining in the Race Conversation
This Kaleid Circle is an opportunity for white women to continue to learn and practice justice when it comes to race, particularly as it pertains to white engagement with justice issues that have long affected our black neighbors.
See Yourself

Pilgrim Psalms Contemplative Prayer
Wednesday Mornings, Sept. 18 - Oct. 23
Kaleid invites you to join us for our 2024 Fall Contemplative Circle: Pilgrim Meditations. During our six-week series we will engage in meditative prayer with several of the Psalms of Ascent (Psalm 120 - 134). Each week, we will choose a different psalm and slowly read through it together, leaving space to allow the Holy Spirit to speak through the words of those who traveled to Jerusalem, together, for worship each year. In this way we, too, will journey toward a celebration of God's faithfulness together.

Postures of Hope
Wednesday Mornings, May 15 - June 5
What does it look like to cultivate postures of hope that reflect our citizenship in the Kingdom of God? Join us for a four week contemplative series where we consider how Jesus’ teaching on the Kingdom of God empowers us to embody postures of hope in a season of change through imaginative prayer in combination with the Ignatian Prayer of Examen. All are welcome!

God's Vision - Free Contemplative
January 10, 17, and 24
Would you like to engage 2024 with clarity, compassion, and courage? We invite you to join us for three January free contemplative prayer times. For this short, three-week series, we will consider God's vision as revealed in scripture through contemplative prayer practices like Lectio Divina. God invites us to see ourselves through the vision of being made in God’s image, others through the vision of shalom and our commuity through the vision of God's kingdom. Join us and invite your friends as we pray together into a new perspective for the new year!

Jesus the Light of the World
Wednesdays, Nov. 29 - Dec. 20
Would you like to pray in community, anticipating Jesus’ coming this holiday season? Join us as we celebrate that Jesus is the Light of the World, practicing the contemplative practice of Visio Divina (art paired with scripture and prayer) together.

Let Your Life Speak
Wed., May 17 - June 21
Do you need some friends who inspire you to let your life speak? During this contemplative circle we will meet six women from the Old Testament who responded to God with their lives and moved with confidence, courage, clarity, and compassion. We will engage in the practice of imaginative prayer as we connect our stories with God's story by way of their stories.