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Journey of the Cross

Wednesday Mornings, February 14 - March 27

6:30 - 7:15 a.m. and via YouTube

Lent Contemplative Prayer with the Stations of the Cross

Live via Zoom or Recorded via YouTube Link


Journey of the Cross

Kaleid invites you to join us for our 2024 Lent Contemplative Circle: Journey of the Cross. During our seven-week series we will pray with the 14 Stations of the Cross. The Stations of the Cross invite us to actively engage in Jesus’ final footsteps of suffering as he made his way through Jerusalem. As we bear witness to Jesus’s journey, we will stand before simple art, listen to the biblical story, and pause to pray for our vulnerabilities and those who are suffering.

The Stations of the Cross are an ancient way of being with Jesus in his suffering during Holy Week, bearing witness to his sorrow and love and allowing him to see us in our brokenness, too. The word “station” shares roots with the word “to stand.” As we spend time in scripture with two of the traditional stations each week, we will be pausing to intentionally stand before our Lord, entering his experience as he loved us and gave himself for us.

Join us Wednesday mornings, February 14 - March 27, on Zoom, 6:30 - 7:15 am or sign up to receive the YouTube links of each morning’s practice.

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