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The Kaleid Team

See Others: The Jewish Community

Dear Kaleid Women:

We hope you enjoyed the information about the Enneagram last week! This week, we turn our attention toward The Kaleid Project’s second lens - See Others. Of our three lenses, this is the one that perhaps invites the most tension into our internal conversations. But we believe in you and in us, so let’s step boldly up to the lens!

Lately, it seems that many of the groups we might call “others” in our culture have become politicized so that it is difficult to engage discussions about race, gender, nationality, or religion without also stepping into a (perhaps tense) political conversation. This is an unfortunate reality that can stop healthy conversations cold. However, we believe that it is an important season to continue to seek to see, understand, and know “others” well, from a place of relationship and from a place of humility. At The Kaleid Project, we want to be a place to engage in warm, authentic (even if uncomfortable) conversations about how to love “others” well.

Just two weeks ago, eleven Jewish men and women were murdered by a person who hated the “other” so much that he carried out an act of unthinkable violence. Because our goal in the lens of See Others is to help Kaleid women know “others” better as image bearers of God who carry that image in the world in specific, beautiful ways, we wanted to begin curating this lens by sharing some resources that showcase the beauty of the Jewish faith and traditions.  

Sitting at the Feet of Rabbi Jesus

By Ann Spangler & Lois Tverberg

Mudhouse Sabbath: An Invitation to a Life of Spiritual Discipline - Study Edition

By Lauren Winner

Kindle Version is only $3.99.

Our Haggadah: Uniting Traditions for Interfaith Families

By Coke & Steven Roberts

Other family activities:

Watch Fiddler on the Roof together as a family. Talking about the characters, traditions, role of prayer, and Jewish persecution.

Visit your public library. Ask the librarian or use the catalog to find books about Jewish culture or characters. Kids books are a great way to learn about something new or ease into something unfamiliar.  

On a local and historically painful note, perhaps pause to lament the painful history of anti-Semitism in Atlanta. In 1958, The Temple, founded in 1867 in Atlanta, was bombed. Another important and painful incident in Atlanta’s past was the lynching of Leo Frank in 1915.

As we grieve the violation of human life and of sacred space in Pittsburg, may we remember to hold an awareness of our own place in the story of welcome and understanding. At The Kaleid Project, we want to learn to act as human agents of God’s love whose respect for marginalized or misunderstood “others” can alter the climate of a home, a neighborhood, and a city.

What do you say we all hold onto this quote of Jewish origin today?

He has told you, human one, what is good and what the Lord requires from you: to do justice, embrace faithful love, and walk humbly with your God.

- Micah 6:8 (CEB)


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