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Life in the Ordinary: Light, Depth, and a View

The Kaleid Team


Good morning! For the next several weeks, we are grateful to be sharing what some Kaleid women have shared about how they have practiced love of self, others, and our city during the pandemic.

This summer, we are anticipating our move back into the “new normal” that will surely be in full swing by the fall. Now is a good time to reflect on all that has been good about the “not-normal'' of the pandemic and carry what is life-giving with us into our new rhythms.

We are really grateful to have heard from some of you when we asked you this question in last week’s email: Would you spend a few minutes thinking back on your pandemic existence and sharing some of the encouraging, inspiring, challenging, hopeful, or revolutionary resources and life-hacks that helped you love yourself, love other people, or love your community better?

Here’s what one Kaleid woman had to say…

About loving herself…sometimes we need light

“I have tried to get up earlier than my family in order to enjoy the early morning sun (or light box in the winter). I need that early time by myself to pray, read, walk, or just be.”

About loving others…sometimes we need depth

“I’ve really enjoyed listening to The Allender Center podcast as a way to learn how to love others better.”

About loving our city...sometimes we need a view

“I like to hike up Stone Mountain, ideally early in the morning, and get a good view of this city and be inspired to pray and reflect. (This is also probably something I do to love myself because it’s one of those things I have done many times during the pandemic to get some good “me” time.)”

Thanks, Kaleid friend, for sharing your thoughts! We are grateful for your creativity and your authenticity. There is still a week to drop your own thoughts into this google form and be entered for a chance to win a beautiful Kaleid mug, hand crafted by Kate at Brukie Studio in Memphis. Next Wednesday, we will do the drawing!

We are grateful for each of you!

The Kaleid Team

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