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The Kaleid Team

Life in the Ordinary: Encouragement All Around

Dear Kaleid Ladies,

Good morning to you!

We hope that your fourth of July holiday was refreshing and restful!

Today, we hear from Kaleid women about encouraging practices for seeing ourselves, others, and our city.

Have you ever thought about the word “encourage” and how to “encourage” someone is to put that someone “in” courage? Everyone benefits from a dose of fresh courage. We all need the strength of terra firma when our feet feel wobbly.

Where do you turn for fresh courage? How do you offer courage to those around you?

Here are a few ideas from women in our Kaleid community about how they encourage themselves, others, and those in the community. We hope you’ll be inspired with creative ideas to spread courage in your world, too.

Encouragement for ourselves: One woman said, “During the pandemic, I have begun pausing in the middle of the day for five minutes (outside if possible) to breathe, notice where I am in my heart, and notice God in my day and in nature. It’s been very centering and hopeful.”

Encouragement for others: One woman said, “I’ve been mailing real cards to people for their birthdays and other occasions. Choosing, writing, and mailing them is a simple way to remind those people that they are precious.”

Encouragement for the city: One woman said, “I pray for the community as I run. Running first thing in the morning has become a habit. I cherish the quiet and cooler moments not only for solitude but also to pray for others. I pray for whoever comes to mind, for the places I run past, for those governing our town, the schools, etc.” (Here’s a helpful post on praying for the city.)

We are grateful for you and for this encouraging community of women! May our collective courage lead to greater harmony and to God’s glory in our world.

“May the God of steadfastness and encouragement grant you to live in harmony with one another, in accordance with Christ Jesus, so that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.” - Romans 15:5-6 (NRSV)

The Kaleid Team

P.S. Here’s a beautiful quote about courage from C.S. Lewis’ book The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. We hope new courage leads you to laughter as it did for Lucy.

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