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  • The Kaleid Team

Waiting in Hope

Dear Kaleid Ladies,

Good Morning! What a happy surprise to see you today! For the next four weeks, you’ll see our emails on Sunday mornings as we journey through Advent. Church tradition celebrates the four Sundays preceding Christmas with a time of waiting, our hearts and eyes trained, scanning the horizon for the arrival of Jesus.

The soul-filling words of Advent make space in our hearts for our Lord’s coming. And so, we will ponder Advent words in the coming weeks:





Today we light the Hope candle.

Hope matters because we are not who we want to be, we are not where we want to be, and this is not how things are to be. There is a gap between what we long for and our reality.

Hope is brave because it resists the easy way out. It says “no” to facing the gap between reality and wholeness by numbing out or giving up or indulging resentment. Hope gives us courage to turn to mystery instead, holding our questions up to the gentle and piercing love of the God who would come all this way.

Advent invites us to awaken, nurture, and encourage Christian hope by teaching us to wait…the kind of waiting that holds on to desire and faith against disappointment and despair.

In hope, our waiting posture is an open posture. We get honest about our desire, and we come to Jesus in faith, believing “that He is good and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him.” (Hebrews 11:6)

Hope is a reliable companion as we wait.

As we wait in hope, we remain connected to our longings, remembering that God cares.

As we wait in hope, we remain connected to our faith, remembering God’s character.

Today is the first Sunday of Advent. May we be women of hope this week.

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. – Romans 15:13

Blessing of Hope

So may we know

the hope

that is not just

for someday

but for this day—

here, now,

in this moment

that opens to us:

hope not made

of wishes

but of substance,

hope made of sinew

and muscle

and bone,

hope that has breath

and a beating heart,

hope that will not

keep quiet

and be polite,

hope that knows

how to holler

when it is called for,

hope that knows

how to sing

when there seems

little cause,

hope that raises us

from the dead—

not someday

but this day,

every day,

again and

again and


—Jan Richardson (from The Cure for Sorrow)


The Kaleid Team

P.S. You’re Invited!!: Join us for our contemplative Advent Circle on Wednesday mornings for the next four Wednesdays! We meet on Zoom from 6:30 – 7:15! Register here.

P.S. (the 2nd) If you would like to make an advent wreath for your home this year, consider getting this ring that holds four taper candles, putting it on a plate or cake stand, and surrounding it with greenery, ornaments, or other beautiful reminders of the season.

P.S. (the 3rd) Here is a list of hope verses for you.

Photos: Photo by KaLisa Veer on Unsplash// Photo by Hennie Stander on Unsplash

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