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StrengthsFinder Workshop: Seeing Ourselves in God's Story

Saturday, April 15

8:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

My Strengths, My Purpose, and God's Good Work in the World

Columbia Seminary, Rm 104

Pay As You Can

StrengthsFinder Workshop: Seeing Ourselves in God's Story

How can we love well by being our unique selves?

We want to love God and others, so we sign up for a Saturday to volunteer at a non-profit. Or, we arrive early on Sunday to help in the church nursery. Perhaps we share our professional skills with a budding
entrepreneur. Or maybe we write a generous check to support a homeless shelter.

Often, in these actions, we are impacting others’ lives for the better, and yet our energy and motivation wane. Our experience of love and joy is diminished by our sense of “should.”

Sometimes this gap happens because we are not loving others sustainably from our God-created purpose. God’s redemptive work in the world and God’s redemptive work of calling us into our original, unique design are intertwined. We are all invited to God’s story, but we are all invited to inhabit that story in unique ways by way of our design–our strengths.

Join us for a StrengthsFinder workshop with Elizabeth Payne, a certified Clifton StrengthsFinder coach. During our time, we will discover and unpack our unique strengths and talk about how we can live from our purpose in our ordinary, everyday lives as we seek to love both sustainably and well out of who God has made us to be. During our time together, we will:

*Understand how God has woven His purpose with our ways of doing and being: our strengths
*Reflect on our unique ways to live out our call to love God, self, others, and our community
*Discern our next steps by asking, "Believing in my strengths, what do I need to Celebrate, Add, Clarify, or Restore?"
*Create an action plan to incorporate our strengths into our pursuits

Date: April 15
Time: Coffee and Pastries will be available beginning at 8:00, the workshop will run from 8:30 - 12:30

Note: This Kaleid Circle will cost Kaleid roughly $189 per participant, however we want to make it available at whatever price you can afford. When you register, you can choose whether to pay $29, $49, $89, $129 or $189. Due to the generosity of Kaleid women who support Kaleid through their donation of scholarship funds, please feel free to participate at whatever level you are able!

Also Note: This Kaleid Circle needs 25 participants to "make" due to the costs involved. Please invite your friends! It promises to be a very enriching morning!

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