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See the City Foundations Circle

Day of 10/1 (bike tour), Evenings of 10/5 (zoom), 10/19 (zoom), 11/2 (zoom), 11/16 (dinner)

Mix of In Person and Zoom

Connecting with God’s Story in Our City

Bike tour and via Zoom

$129 (includes bike tour) (registration closes 9/28)

See the City Foundations Circle

Are you curious about how living in Atlanta impacts how you follow Jesus? Have you ever wanted to connect more deeply locally, so that you notice God’s story unfolding everywhere from your backyard to the systems shaping our community? By asking how the Kingdom of God invites connection with our physical land, local place, and wider community, we explore how to see our city so that we can love well where we live!

See the City is a Kaleid Foundations Circle. In this five meeting circle, we will…

See our city through a curated bike tour, discovering the history of Atlanta through its neighborhoods.

And, consider teachings on the Kingdom of God as a way to grow in compassion, connection, and clarity toward our city. As we do this, we will notice how God is bringing his creative, redemptive work to Atlanta through:

…Our physical land as the place where we notice God’s life and steward God’s gifts.
…Our local neighborhood as the place where we inhabit a particular story of God at work in the world.
…Our wider community as the place where our participation in systems can bring God’s blessing to our city.

When it comes to seeing our city, we need a clearer vision to see its needs, its reality, and how God is working where we live.

When and Where? The bike tour will be on October 1 from 9 - 1:30 on and around the Atlanta Beltline. (Note - there is no need to register separately for this tour, which is also open to Kaleid women who are not doing the See the City Circle. Your registration is included and your participation prepares us for our discussions about Atlanta in the coming weeks.)

The next three meetings will be Wednesday nights; October 5 and 19 and November 2 from 7:15 - 8:45 p.m., via zoom.

Our final meeting will be on November 16 over dinner! We will meet from 6:00 - 9:00 p.m. live.

There will be light homework in between (2-4 hours per meeting).

Cost? The cost is $129, which includes the registration for the bike tour.

As with all Kaleid Circles, we will spend time each meeting in contemplative prayer, learning together, and naming how what we are learning can reshape our habits and call us into new patterns in our lives.

We hope you’ll join us!

What are Kaleid Foundations Circles?

Recognizing God’s Invitations in Life’s Shifts

Kaleid Foundations Circles are based on the three Kaleid lenses: See Yourself, See Others, and See the City. Each fall and spring, we offer one of these circles where we ground our perspectives about self, others, and the city in scriptural concepts. In this way, we gain clearer vision as we navigate shifts in our inner world, our relational world, and our communities with more courage, compassion, and clarity.

Over the course of the three Kaleid Foundations Circles, we discover that we are beloved image bearers, empowered for a life of shalom, so that God’s kingdom comes on earth as it is in heaven. Our unique lives, lived alongside one another, allow the multicolored light of God’s love to shine in dynamic ways in the world.

In the changes and shifts of life, Kaleid women want to accept God’s invitation for clearer vision to:

see ourselves as…beloved and unique, made in God’s image
see others as…people invited into the shalom of God
see the city as…the place where the kingdom of God comes

More Circles

Christ Our Light Advent Contemplative

Christ Our Light Advent Contemplative

Wednesdays, Dec. 4, 11, 18 and Tuesday, Dec. 24

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