See the City Fall Pop Ups
10/15, 10/16, 11/10, 12/4, 12/10
In Person
Five Chances to See the City
Out and About in the City

At Kaleid, we want to See our City so that we can love well. This fall, we are gathering in five different places as we seek to know Atlanta more deeply. We love the community of Kaleid and the way that, within it, we can become better listeners, more perceptive understanders, and more faithful participants in the love of God at work in our city.
Here are our “pop ups”— various ways to See the City. Sign up to meet up with other Kaleid ladies at the event!
Cost: The Kaleid-cost for each of these pop ups is Free! (The Black Nativity includes a cost to purchase your tickets.)
Pop Up #1: Be the Bridge discussion with local leaders about race and racial justice at Peachtree Road UMC on October 15th from 2-5 pm. This will be a time of intentional conversation with local leaders to discuss racial awareness, racism and healing. Cost: Free!
Pop Up #2: Attend a virtual Equitable Dinner on October 16th, where you will hear “Stories from the Soil,” a conversation dinner event remembering the lives of 36 documented victims of racial terror in Fulton County between 1877 – 1950. Register here.
Pop Up #3: Bryan Stevenson (author of Just Mercy) lecture at Trinity Presbyterian on November 10th at 7 pm. The lecture is titled “American Injustice: Mercy, Humanity and Making a Difference.” Cost: Free!
Pop Up #4: The Black Nativity performance at the Ferst Center at Georgia Tech on December 4th at 3 pm. Black Nativity is an African-American telling of the Nativity story, based on the song play written by acclaimed African-American poet and playwright, Langston Hughes. Cost: See Georgia Tech site for ticket prices.
Pop Up #5: A History Walk at Mason Mill Park with Ranger Jonah (an old Kaleid friend) on December 10th from 10 am – 1 pm. Learn about the history of Dekalb County, both its Native American history and the history of its early white settlers. Cost: Free!