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See Others: Contemplative Intercession

Wednesdays, September 20 - October 25

6:30 - 7:15 am

Presence with God for the Sake of the World

Via Zoom


See Others: Contemplative Intercession

How do we learn to hold people before God, listening to Christ, or agreeing with the Spirit as we consider their needs and God’s care?

When we think of prayer, we commonly think about praying for other people or the needs of the world. We think of intercession. During this six-week contemplative Circle at Kaleid, we are going to practice intercession in a slow, deep way.

The word for “intercession” in Greek has less to do with making petitions for people and more to do with the notion of presence. It means “encountering someone [God] on behalf of, or in relation to, others.” Michael Ramsey, former Archbishop of Canterbury said that intercession is “being before God with the people on your heart.”

Join us as we spend time each week in scripture, intercession, and silence, practicing intercessory prayer as presence with God for the sake of the world.

When? Wednesday mornings, September 13 - October 18, 6:30 - 7:15 am

Where? Via Zoom

Cost? $29

What else? If you cannot join live, sign up anyway and receive the video of each prayer practice, each week!

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