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Postures of Hope

Wednesday Mornings, May 15 - June 5

6:30 - 7:15 am

Prayer of Examen on the Kingdom of God

via zoom


Postures of Hope

We are citizens.

As citizens, we carry ourselves in the world with certain assurances and attitudes.

What does it look like in this political season to cultivate postures of hope that reflect our citizenship in the Kingdom of God? Join us for a four week contemplative series where we consider how Jesus’ teaching on the Kingdom of God empowers us to embody postures of hope in a season of change. We will pray with a gospel passage each week, allowing the Holy Spirit to show us what it looks like to be Kingdom citizens in our temporal lives. Each week’s passage will serve as the basis for a time of prayer with the Ignatian Prayer of Examen.

This prayer time will be a welcoming and accessible space. We would love to have you, no matter what your experience with group prayer or contemplative prayer!

We look forward to seeing you on Wednesday mornings from 6:30 - 7:15 on zoom. If you can’t make that time, no worries! You can register and just let us know that you’d like to get the YouTube recordings instead.

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