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Pilgrim Psalms Contemplative Prayer

Wednesday Mornings, Sept. 18 - Oct. 23

6:30 - 7:15 am

Prayer with the Psalms of Ascent

Live via Zoom or Recorded via YouTube


Pilgrim Psalms Contemplative Prayer

Would you like time to soak in the scriptures, allowing God to speak to you through them? In this circle, we will practice meditative prayer and cultivate a listening posture.

At Kaleid, we desire to become women who hear God’s voice and see more clearly–ourselves, others, and our community–so that we can intentionally take our next steps with Jesus. Pilgrims are those on a journey toward something. The pilgrims of the Psalms of Ascent were on an uphill journey to worship God. They were headed to Jerusalem, focused on getting to a place of celebrating God’s faithfulness together. In this prayer series, we will read six of the “pilgrim Psalms” (Psalms of Ascent) together, very slowly, allowing God to focus and soften our gaze and settle our hearts in this season of political intensity that falls inside of the normal, busy rhythms of fall.

Each week, we will choose a different psalm and slowly read through it together, leaving space to allow the Holy Spirit to speak. In this way we, too, will journey toward a celebration of God's faithfulness together.

When? Join us Wednesday mornings, September 18 - October 23, on Zoom, 6:30 - 7:15 am or sign up to receive the YouTube links of each morning’s practice.

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