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Dwell Contemplative Circle

Wednesday Mornings, September 7 - October 26

6:30 - 7:15 a.m., via Zoom

Connecting to God’s Faithful Love

via Zoom


Dwell Contemplative Circle

Kaleid Contemplative Circles are where connect to God's faithful love through contemplative prayer. This fall our theme is, “Dwell.” It will be a time to settle into the presence of God as we cultivate connection with God in silence, together.

To Dwell is to allow the presence of God to saturate our senses--to be present to the Presence. We need silence to break through the noise of life so that we can hear. Silence opens our heart to Jesus.

Our contemplative mornings will include reflections on dwelling with God from the scriptures, and we will spend time practicing silence together. Each week, our time of silence will stretch a bit further. During our two months together, you are also invited to spend time in silence with the Lord aside from Kaleid Contemplative so that we can grow deeper in the practice. We look forward to this enriching time!

When? Wednesday mornings, September 7 - October 26, from 6:30 - 7:15 am

Where? Join us via zoom. Come as you are!

Cost? The cost for this circle is $29. Scholarships are available.

“Now I know that every moment, whether pleasant or unpleasant, holds the delicious kernels of joy for which my soul longs.” - Irene Kraegel

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