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The Kaleid Team

Seeing More: Evangelical and Incarnational Streams

Dear Kaleid Women,


Our team has been in conversation with Sharol Hayner (link?) over the last few weeks, and we are just thrilled at the way the morning of February 2ndis coming together. It will be a time of reflection, encouragement, perspective, and grace. We would love for you to be among us that morning! One of our friends in John’s Creek has graciously opened her hope for the meeting, and we have space for 35 people to attend. You’ll be glad you made room in your schedule!

Today we take time to consider the final two traditions that Sharol will cover in our time together. These two are familiar territory to most of us as Christian women. We study scripture; we share Jesus; we love the good news of the kingdom of God; we live ordinary lives; we seek God’s presence in our daily routine. We are, by and large, evangelical and incarnational women.

The Evangelical Stream: A life founded upon the living Word of God, the written Word of God, and the proclaimed Word of God.

This tradition teaches that following Jesus means announcing the good news that the kingdom of God’s love has been made available to all. As we follow Jesus by grace through faith, we live “as he would live if he were in our place.” (Foster, 15) Through the evangelical tradition, the kingdom of God is proclaimed and demonstrated by Jesus’ followers. This tradition leads us toward a Word-centered life, where we get to know our Bible and get to know others because we are focused on Jesus as the incarnate good news for all.

Notable Figures: Christine Caine, Billy Graham, Mary Slessor, George Whitfield, St. Augustine

“If you believe what you like in the gospels, and reject what you don’t like, it is not the gospel you believe, but yourself.” - St. Augustine, Sermons

Christine Caine: Fishers of Men

The Incarnational Stream: A life that makes present and visible the realm of the invisible spirit.

This tradition teaches that following Jesus means that walking in obedience and learning to love God and others takes place as we do material, human things in ordinary ways, just as Jesus grew and matured in obedience as He learned the skill of carpentry. The majority of our lives are lived in the mundane, and the Incarnational tradition helps us practice the reality that the outflow of the Spirit’s work in us is most experienced in the tangible world as we move through daily routines. Because it recognizes the connection between spirit and matter, this tradition leads us toward “finding God in the details and serving God through these same details.” (Foster, 239)

Notable Figures: Flannery O’Connor, T.S. Eliot, Susanna Wesley, Geoffrey Chaucer, Origen

"All human nature vigorously resists grace because grace changes us and the change is painful." - The Habit of Being: Letters of Flannery O’Connor

“I am content to fill a little space if God be glorified” - Susanna Wesley

Women of Kaleid: How God might be calling you to remember you roots or to foster the fruit of faith that is already evident in your life and in your home? Is there a specific way that you can share the kingdom of God’s love today? Is there a specific task in which you can stop to remember God’s abiding presence inhabiting your ordinary today?

We are grateful for you and to you. It’s a joy to be in the process of becoming a community with you.

We can’t wait to grow together next weekend!


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