Dear Kaleid Ladies,
Do you find yourself a political exile? Lost between parties or searching for what it means to be politically active and astute and still follow Jesus?
Are you wrestling with the tensions of being compelled and repulsed, energized and drained, disillusioned and hopeful—all at once—in this political season?
We hope that you already know this, but you are not alone. And while we know that there are no easy answers, we believe that there are worthy conversations waiting to happen.
Are you looking for a place to consider the dignity of life from multiple angles leading up to the election? To ask what it means to honor lives of immigrants, people of color, unborn babies, incarcerated men and women, marginalized young people, or simply those different from you, whose stories you may not “get” very easily?
If so, this series of conversations that we are calling “On Being Pro-Life” may be for you. Your vote matters, but more than that, your voice matters and your ongoing social engagement matters when it comes to advancing the dignity of life in our city, in our spaces.
As women who follow Jesus, we are invited to be with the exiled, the marginalized, the misunderstood, and the forgotten. Sometimes we are even invited to be the exiled, marginalized, misunderstood, and the forgotten.
Being true to this invitation means leaning into hard conversations and relationships, even when slogans and party lines beckon us toward self-righteous, caricatured escape routes.
Being true to this invitation means being humble in our weakness while being aware of the power of the Holy Spirit working through the Body of Christ.
Being true to this invitation means laying hold of the need for community, for conversation, for courage, and for ultimate congruence with the kingdom of God.
We want to walk together this fall, making space for hard conversation. We offer this not so that you will vote a certain way, but so that you will have had an intentional, challenging, and open space to consider what it means to actively be a pro-life person…to be a disciple of Jesus, in this culture and at this moment and in your context.
To do this, we’re having a series of six conversations with people who have lived and worked in a variety of social locations, asking them the same set of questions about their journey and their convictions.*
Our guests will be those involved in refugee work, college student work, racial healing work, justice and gentrification work, incarceration work, and pro-life work with pregnant women.
The goal of our time together is to allow us to slow down, consider our own views, and hear from those who are currently being formed in their views of what it means to be pro-life in America today by their proximity to people on the margins.
We will meet every Friday morning, from 9/18 to 10/30, via zoom, from 10 – 11:30 am. These meetings will be a time when we hear from our speakers, ask questions, and process together.
We will also meet three Wednesday nights from 8 - 9 pm to have debrief and discussion together as we process.
The cost is $99, out of which we will make donations to the ministries of each participant.
Sign up here.
These are intense times, and we are grateful to extend to you the permission to process within a courageous community. We do so hope you’ll join us!
The Kaleid Team
P.S. #1 - If you cannot meet with us live but would like to have access to the “Being Pro-Life” conversations later via a recording, we will make the videos available on Mondays following the meetings, for a cost of $49 for all six.
P.S. #2 - Don’t forget to visit our website to learn more and sign up for any of the three fall Kaleid Circles: Being Pro-Life, Contemplative Mornings, and Packing Food Boxes. We’d love to have you for any and all of them! Bring a friend and join us!
*The questions are:
- What are three or four “main things” you would name and share as being part of what shapes your viewpoint/identity?
- What is your background in terms of engaging those at the margins?
- How did your passion for your current vocation come to be?
- What does being holistically pro-life mean to you at this point?
- How has your experience being near the marginalized informed your view?
- How has your view shifted over time?
- What does it look like to advance the dignity of life as a Christian and as a citizen, in light of the tensions inherent in this topic?