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The Kaleid Team

Excursion-ing on Purpose

Dear Kaleid Women,

Quick story for you on this lovely morning…

In the 14th century, Christine de Pisan found herself a wealthy Italian widow at age 25. She was one of the few women in her day who became a "professional author." She wrote essays on etiquette, essays protesting the mistreatment of women, and generally provided a Christian female lens on society through her work.

In one essay, she offered this (somewhat humorous) advice to the “wives of artisans:”

"She ought...not to go every day traipsing hither and yon gossiping with the neighbors and visiting her chums to find out what everyone is doing. That is done by slovenly housewives roaming around the town in groups. Nor should she go off on these pilgrimages got up for no good reason and involving a lot of needless expense." (from The Treasure of City Ladies by Christine de Pisan)

Sounds like 14th century women had their own version of group texting and girls trips! Instead of group texts, they apparently traipsed (at least it was a calorie burner, right!?) Instead of beach weekends, they went on pilgrimages (relic to go with your sunscreen, anyone?).

So, Kaleid ladies, what do you say that we show Christine that we are not 21st century versions of pajama wearing gossips with a overstuffed knapsacks? Let’s roam around the town and go on pilgrimages with Kaleid, instead!!!

Won’t you join us for some high-end roaming and excursioning in the next few weeks?

(Announcement of upcoming events - Virtual Book Club, Visit to FCS in Atlanta, Event with Sharol Hayner in February)

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